Monday, February 16, 2009

Blog 2

In order to fulfill social needs, people used to have face-to-face conversation, write letters, have “tea-time,” and use many other forms of meaningful communication. Today, means of communication have vastly changed. It is uncommon to meet up with a person solely to talk and even more unlikely to receive a letter. People’s intentions have changed; they are more interested in the convenience of communication rather than the quality and meaningfulness. Due to the demands of society, one must succumb to the new style of communicating: if one wishes to have a social life, one must conform to the requirements of society (AKA get a cell phone with texting and a facebook page). Whatever happened to the days when someone wanted to see a person in the flesh?

A cell phone is a form of communication that many forget is a luxury. People have grown to believe that a cell phone is a necessity. In more ways than not, a cell phone is a necessity in the society we live in today; it is one of the only means of communication that is regularly used. Most people do not even use the cell phone for a means to verbally speak to another person; it is used for texting. The value of communication has greatly diminished over the last decade or so. I think face-to-face communication is very important and people seem to have forgotten this importance. While at school, I call my family and my boyfriend by phone all the time. I would prefer to speak face-to-face, but there are many times, such as school leave, in which I cannot see them. I prefer speaking to them on the phone rather than texting, email, or facebook, because it is similar to speaking to them in person, but unfortunately, texting and messaging dominates our conversation. This may sound contradicting, but many times it is just easier to text them about something simple and insignificant. Also, texting and facebook messaging are the main mode of communication. If I chose not to text or own a Facebook, I would never hear from my friends whatsoever. Texting and Facebook, though seen as obsolete in my eyes, are the only means by which I can communicate with my friends.

In this day an age, letters are only sent by friends and family in order to celebrate a holiday. Many people do not send a letter just to say ‘hello.’ This is a shame. Receiving a letter in the mail is on the same level as opening a present on Christmas: it is an exciting event. I sent my boyfriend a letter in the mail for a Valentine’s Day surprise and he really enjoyed it. While reading a handwritten letter, one can almost hear the person reading the message aloud. The importance of handwritten communication has been lost even longer than the importance of verbal communication. Handwritten communication started on stone. This was a very tedious process that involved chiseling. However, the introduction of papyrus allowed for easier inscription, so more scholars and scribes began to indulge themselves in the gift of writing. Once writing became more accessible, many others began to write as well (23-24, Crowley & Heyer). In the days of ancient Egypt, people saw writing as a gift. Today, writing is a form of communication that is seen as outdated or “unfashionable,” if you will. Writing is a skill that most of us take for granted. The development of writing has shaped our early history and many people used to crave the intelligence to write a simple letter. Now, we accept it as something that is second-nature.

Throughout the near future, with new technologies, new ways to control our minds, communication will begin to dissipate. At the rate technology is advancing, more and more hot items and fads will be up for distraction. Facebook, though still fairly popular, is past its prime. What will come next? Will it be a robot that does all communicating for you? Even though direct communication may seem like an inconvenience, it is important to keep that face-to-face relationship, a true relationship, intact.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Blog #1

In this day and age, it is next to impossible to have no media interaction. As I sit here thinking about how media has effected my life, I can't even remember a time I didn't use any form of media. (To me, media is any electrical device used for means of entertainment or communication.) Even while out doors camping or hiking, I always carry my cell phone. It's amazing how fast media has advanced from a source of mere entertainment and convenience to an organization of mind control. Media has indeed taken over my life.

From an every day perspective, I use media almost every hour of every day. Whether it be texting my friends and family or typing up a paper on Microsoft Word, media interaction is inevitable. Nowadays, if a person does not have a phone, computer, and some form of mp3 player, that person is basically shunned from society. Interaction with a computer is a necessity to pass in school. Many assignments are turned in via internet.

Even though I mentioned how media is a form of mind control, I absolutely love it. This may be caused by the continuous brainwashing I encounter, but I have grown to believe that media is now a bare necessity for the sanity of life today. Without media, the world as we know it today would be completely chaotic. Nobody would know what to do without an HD television, a blackberry, a laptop, an iPod, and a game boy. Honestly, the world (at least the large countries with consumer-driven economies) would not know what to do with itself. This is one aspect of media, this effect it has on the many lives, including my own, is one I truly dislike. Even if one did not want to own a computer or a cell phone, he would have to. Whatever happened to the days of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn? Oh, now I remember, children don’t go outside to play anymore. That would be heinous! Nowadays, children at the earliest stages of life are obtaining cell phones. Little Johnny is texting Little Jane, inviting her to play game boy in the basement. He guarantees her there won’t be a single ray of sun light.

When I was a kid, I was really into playing outdoors on the monkey bars and running around playing tag. I still remember the day I got my cobalt game boy color with a Pokémon Blue game cartridge. I didn’t realize it then, but that day marked the day in which I was transferring over to the media side of the world. My family owned a NES and a N64, but the game boy was different: it was my own, my precious. Even though I adored my game boy like Gollum adored the ring, I did still go outside quite a bit. I feel that kids today would never choose to go outside if their parents did not force them.


Why yes, that is a G36C Assult Rifle
And yes, it is an airsoft gun.